The Big Picture OR When the Blender doesn't Blend

Posted by Adam Weissman on December 8, 2019


A reminder to stay focused on the version of YOU that you hope to be when the course is over. As I get deeper into the course, I find myself sometimes getting bogged down by ‘technical difficulties’ with the Learn platform. I find these moments to be incredibly discouraging and frustrating. Akin to: you’re trying to learn how to make a life-enhancing smoothie, a smoothie with complicated nutrients and exact amounts of THIS or THAT… if you could make this smoothie your life would be different, you would make more money, be able to solve problems… and…

…in the midst of it all…

the blender is malfunctioning.

That’s essentially my perception of the Learn platform. When it works. GREAT. When it doesn’t work it’s a real drag. ESPECIALLY because as a relative novice, I’m often uncertain whether or not it’s me and my code… or if it’s the platform.

I wouldn’t say I’m the type of person that ‘stresses’ easily… but I’m a bit obsessive compulsive in wanting to see where things go, so the affect is the same. Spending (wasting) an hour or more trying to figure out why your RSPEC test isn’t passing something because there’s something weird going on with the server. OR, you’re trying to cross reference code between files in the sidebar… and, I don’t know if this happens to you, but if I switch files too quickly: It freezes and I can’t see anything. Thus close and reopen, click once and pray.


P.S. And just when I was feeling guilty to write this… the irony – on my first attempt to post this: “There was an issue publishing your blog post. Please try again!”# Enter your title here

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